What is $*? Its mainly used for showing up all params. This show all parameter values passed in shell script What does $# stand for? # will return the number of parameters that are passed as the command-line arguments. What does $? Return? $? will return exit status of command .0 if command gets successfully executed ,non-zero if command failed. What are Different types of shells? sh : the oldest shell csh : C shell ksh : Korn Shell bash : bourne again shell How do you read arguments in a shell program – $1, $2? Shell script accepts parameters in following format… $1 would be the first command line argument, $2 the second, and so on $0 is the name of the script or function If your script has more than 9 params then accept in following way… ${12} : 12th param ${18} : 18th param What are the different kinds of loops available in shell script ? for, if, while, case What is the difference between a shell variable that is exported and the one that is not exported? The Shel