
Showing posts from March, 2012

Difference between Oracle PL/SQL programming and Java Programming Language

Oracle PL/SQL JAVA Variable declaration T1 Number (8,2); T2 Number (5) := 5; T3 Varchar2(23); T4 Date; T5 Char; Variable declaration String T1; int T2; double T3; Date T4 = new Date(); char T5; if condition in PL/SQL IF (condition) THEN statement; statement; ELSE statement; statement; END IF; if condition in Java if (condition){ statement; statement; }else { statement; statement; } Exception handling BEGIN statement; statement; statement; EXCEPTION WHEN (exception) THEN statement; statement; END; Exception handling try{ statement; statement; } catch (Exception ex){ statement; } finally { statement; } For Loop FOR i IN [REVERS] low..upper statement; statement; END LOOP; For Loop for (int; condition; inc){ statement; statement; } While Loop WHILE (condition) LOOP statement; statement; END LOOP; While Loop while (condition){ statement; statement; }

List of Data Types in Java Language

There are eight basic data types for the storage of integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and boolean values. These often are called primitive type because they are built in parts of the java language rather than objects, which makes them more efficient use. Another type of number that can be stored is a floating-point number, which has the type float or double. Type Size byte 8 bits short 16 bits int 32 bits long 64 bits

List of Comparison Operators in Java Language

Java has several operators for making comparisons among variables. Operator Meaning Example == Equal x==3 != Not Equal x!=3 < Less than x<3 > Greater than x>3 <= Less than or equal to x <= 3 >= Greater than or equal to x >= 3

Moving from Oracle Developer Suite to Oracle ADF

Hi, I am Oracle Developer and working in Oracle Forms, Reports, SQL and PL/SQL. Now i am starting to learn JAVA Programming and Oracle ADF because Oracle announced that they will stop the support of Oracle Developer Suite in 2013 and Oracle ADF will replace Oracle Developer Suite in future. In the upcoming posts i will share my learning of Java Programming and Oracle ADF.

List of Java Language Reserved Keywords

Here is a list of keywords in the java language. These words are reserved you cannot use any of these words as names in your programs. abstract continue for new switch boolean default package synchronized break do if private this double implements protected throw byte else import public throws case enum assert instanceof return transient catch extends int short try char final interface static void class finally long strictfp volatile float native super while