Installation of Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1

Oracle GlassFish Server is the worlds first implementation of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 6 specification. Built using the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition, Oracle GlassFish Server delivers a flexible, lightweight and production ready Java EE 6 platform.

In this post i will show you to how install Oracle GlassFish Sever 3.1

1) Run the ogs-3.1-windows
setup file

2) After read the introduction, Choose the installation type

3) Select the installation directory

4) The option Update Tool periodically checks GlassFish Server updates

5) After ready to install, installation in progress

6) After installation configuration will start. Configuration like Domain Creation, Configure Admin, HTTP, JMS etc ports.

Finally the GlassFish Server is installed and ready to use.


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