
Showing posts from November, 2010

Make PDF files Speaks to you

Recently I have found this interesting trick that will make your Acrobat (.pdf) files speak to you. To do this just follows the following steps:- 1) First of all, you need to have latest version of Acrobat Reader. 2) Now open any (.pdf) file using Adobe Reader. 3) Click on view menu and then go to option "Read Out Loud". 4) A submenu will open. Click on "Activate Read Out Loud". 5) Now again go to option "Read Out Loud" and select the desired option. That's it. Your (.pdf) file is reading text.

Tip to take Backup and Restore of Gmail

Today I find very useful software i.e. GMail Backup by using this software you can take backup of your emails on your local hard drive. This software also facilitates you to restore your emails from local hard driver into gmail account. You can also view your download emails from Outlook Express.   Here are the steps for software installation and taking backup/restore of emails. Download GMail Backup from Install it to your drive and Run it. Give your full email address into Gmail login text box. Give Gmail Password  Select Backup folder where do you want to download emails. Give since Date and before Date on their respective text box. Click on backup button. Backup process will start and email starts to download into your hard drive. If you have accidentally deleted your emails from your inbox and trash there is no need to worry. Use the restore utility of this software to restore email into your Gmail account. No...

Configure Gmail online account to work also in Offline mode

Today I configure my Gmail online account to work also in offline mode. This feature lets you browse your mail offline. To achieve this task I have installed Google Gears on my local machine. Gmail uses Google Gears to download a local cache of your mail. As long as you are connected to the network, that cache is synchronized with Gmail servers. When you lose your connection, Gmail automatically switches to offline mode, and uses the data stored on your computers hard drive instead of the information sent across the network. You can read messages, star and label them, and do all of the things you are used to doing while reading your webmail online. Any messages you send while offline will be placed in your outbox and automatically sent the next time Gmail detects a connection. Steps to configure Gmail work also in offline mode:- For this first of all you need to install Google Gears. You can download it from here. Run the online installer or save the file and t...

Common Questions of Oracle DBA asked during interview

1. Explain the $ ORACLE_HOME and $ ORACLE_BASE the difference? Answer: ORACLE_BASE is the root directory of oracle, ORACLE_HOME is the oracle product directory. 2. How to increase buffer cache hit rate? Answer: more busy in the database, the application buffer cache advisory tool, query v $ db_cache_advice. If necessary changes, you can use the command alter system set db_cache_size. 3. How to generate explain plan? Answer: Run utlxplan.sql. Create plan table for specific SQL statement, using the explain plan set statement_id = 'tst1' into plan_table run utlxplp.sql or utlxpls.sql View explain plan. 4. Which column can be used to distinguish the V $ views, and GV $ views? Answer: INST_ID indicate a specific cluster environment instance. 5. Gives the database starts normally experienced several states? Answer: STARTUP NOMOUNT - database instance startup. STARTUP MOUNT - Database mounted. STARTUP OPEN - database open. 6. How to create a backup control file? Answer: A...

Open Source Tools for Linux Servers Management / Configuration

Cobbler Cobbler can be used to quickly build Linux network installation environment, it has the technical threshold of Linux network installation, from the junior college level or above, the success down to middle school or below, even the cobbler can learn. openQRM openQRM plug-ins provide an open management structure, you can easily to existing data center applications integrated into one, such as Nagios and VMware. openQRM data center operations automation can not only help you improve availability, but also can reduce your enterprise data center management costs.  Spacewalk Spacewalk is a Linux and Solaris systems management solution thatā€™s allow you to, Inventory your systems (hardware and software information), Install and update software on your systems, Collect and distribute your custom software packages into manageable groups, Provision (kickstart) your systems, Manage and deploy configuration files to your systems, Monitor your systems, Provision and ...

Brief introduction to RedHat Enterprise Linux 6

RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 now finally released and according to its officials, RedHat Enterprise Linux6 contains hundreds of the latest technical features, enhanced content and new features such as:- Ā·      Highly optimized application platform, centralized management for large scale enterprise deployments. Ā·      Using the latest generation of highly scalable hardware system to achieve higher efficiency. Ā·      Industry leading customer environment Virtual hosts and resistance, flexibility and security. Ā·      Broad support for a variety of environmental features that minimize the ecological impact of IT systems and carbon footprint. Ā·      Deployment of long-term stability for the platform, but can integrate new technology to achieve physical, virtual and cloud deployments. For migrating from Unix to Linux users, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux6 is a very attractive option, and is a powerful alternative to...

Tip to record time that you spend Online in Firefox browser

The TimeTracker plugin for Firefox gives you the posibility to track the time you spend directly in front of your browser in a easy way. The timer only counts if you are browsing, pauses automatically when you stop browsing. If you want you can even exclude work-related sites from the counter. After you install the plugin a little timer will appear in the lower right-hand corner of your Firefox browser. If you right-click on the clock, you'll get a menu where you can Reset the timer or go to the Options page. In the Options page, you can choose since when you want to be tracked, idle timeout, exclude sites and when you want the counter to pause. You can disable the seconds counter because it can be very annoying for your eyes. Download TimeTracker plugin for Firefox

Tip How To Use Multiple GTalk Accounts in the Same Time

If you have several Google Talk accounts, you may want to run multiple instances of Google Talk at once but by default you can't do it. Here is a little tutorial on how you can do that: 1. Right click on the desktop. 2. Select New - Shortcut. 3. Paste this into the text box: " C:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex If you didn't installed Google talk to the default location, change c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe to the location you installed Google Talk. 4. Click Next. 5. Give it a random name. 6. Click Finish.

Tip to Find IP Address of the email sender in Gmail

When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. 1) Log into your Gmail account with your username and password. 2) Open the mail. 3) On the left side of mail header you find a drop down list. Click on drop down list, you should get a bunch of links. Click on Show original as shown in the image. 4) A new page will open containing maximum information of email sender including IP address.

Tip How To Open MS Word 2007 docx files in MS Word 2003

Office 2007 has a little different design than Office 2003 and some of us liked the old version and didn't upgrade. Because Word 2007 saves files with the default extension .docx which is not compatible with Word 2003, there were a lot of misunderstandings regarding extensions. But Microsoft came with a solution for this problem called Microsoft Compatibility Pack. To install it follow this steps: 1) Go and download the pack. 2) After you saved it on your computer open it and after you read the license click Continue. 3) Once the process is done , you can enjoy opening .docx files on Word 2003. 

Very Very useful Links for Oracle APPS Training, Structure and Practive

I am sharing very very useful links related to Oracle R12 Training.  1) for the practive of Oracle ERP. 2)   for Oracle ERP Study Material. On both websites registration is required and its free.