
Showing posts from December, 2011

Database Many to Many Relationship with Examples

We cannot characterize a many-to-many association directly in a relation scheme, because two tables cannot be children of each other. When you design your ERD, you will be challenged by lots of possibilities for many to many relationships. You would have learned that we do not want to draw many-to-many relationships in our ERD. We want to break them up by putting a junction-entity in between. Instead of a many-to-many relationship, we then get two one-to-many relationships with the junction entity in the middle. Examples: 1. Student-professor. A student will have one or more professors. The same professor will have lots of students. 2. At a hospital a patient will be assigned to a coupld of nurses. A specific nurse will be assigned to 1 or many patients. 3. A student will have lots of subjects and the same subject can be taken by lots of students. Lets look at the Student - Professor Now, because many-to-many are not allowed, we will change this to add a junction-entity (StudentProfess...

Firing Sequence of Oracle Report Builder Triggers

Oracle reports builder triggers are fired in the following sequence. First Before Parameter Form triggre fire Second After Parameter Form trigger fire Third Before Report trigger fire fourth Between Pages trigger fire fifth After Report trigger fire

Database One to Many Relationship with example

One to Many relationship is the most common relationship and your database entity relationship diagram (ERD) will be full of this kind of relationship. Examples 1. Master-detail. You have a master record with many detail records. For example an order, there will be a master record with the order date, person placing the order, etc. And then detail records of everything ordered. The master record will have many details, and the detail will have only 1 master. 2. Supervisor-subordinates. A supervisor will have one or many subordinates. A subordinate will have only 1 manager. 3. Division- department. A division will have one or many departments. A department will belong to only 1 division. Let’s look at the Master - Detail The two entities could translate into the following two tables: In the Master table, the OrderNumber is the primary key. In the detail table, OrderNumber is the foreign key. The primary key in the Detail table will be a combination of OderNumber and LineNumber. The inf...

Available Triggers in Oracle Report Builder

There are five types of triggers available in Oracle Report Builde 1) Before report trigger 2) After report trigger 3) Before Parameter trigger 4) After parameter trigger 5) Between pages trigger

Use of FNDSQF Library in Oracle Forms Developer

The FNDSQF library used in Oracle Forms and it contains the routines for handling Message Dictionary, felxfields, prpfiles, concurrent processing, mulicurrency, WHO etc.

Database One to One Relationship with example

In most database designs, if you have a One to One relationship, there is most likely something wrong with your database design. It should be very exceptional to have One to One relationship. In general this would point out that your two entities with the one to one relationship should be combined into one single entity. Example: In Pakistan a person can have only one ID Card. Also, a sp ecific ID card can belong to only one person. Let’s look at the Person and ID Document example: In the Person table, the column Person ID will be the Primary Key. In the ID Document table, the ID Number will be the Primary key.

Use of APPDAYPK library in Oracle Forms

The APPDAYPK library contains the packages that control the Oracle Applications Calendar feature. The calendar (or the date picker) is a utility that oracle application provide to pick the dates for a date type field. Image of Oracle Application Calender

Use of APPCORE library in Oracle Forms

APPCORE contains the packages and procedures that are responsible for the standard ‘Oracle Applications’ behavior of the forms. The forms have to support the menu, toolbar, and other required standard behaviors in compliance with oracle applications. The Oracle Applications forms also have to display specific runtime behaviors in accordance with the Oracle Applications Interface Standards, such as the way in which fields are enabled, behaviors of specific types of windows etc.  APPCORE contains the procedures to support this standard runtime behavior. APPCORE also contains various other utilities for exceptional handling, message levels, and so on.

List of Triggers in Oracle Report Developer

There are five types of triggers in Oracle Report Developer 1) Before report trigger 2) After report trigger 3) Before Parameter trigger 4) After parameter trigger 5) Between pages trigger

List of Reports Layouts available in Oracle Reports Developer

There are eight different layout formats: 1. Tabular 2. Form Like 3. Form Letter 4. Mailing Label 5. Group Left 6. Group Above 7. Matrix 8. Matrix with group