
Showing posts from May, 2010

Beautiful Oracle Wallpapers


Community ENTerprise Operating System

CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) is one of Linux distribution, which is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. CentOS 5.5 is now officially released and this version is based on Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.5. This is the fifth update of CentOS distribution. It contains many bug fixes, upgrades, new features and also provides first time OpenLogic support. Screen Shots

Best Open Source Web Design Tools

Aptana Studio Aptana is the one for HTML, CSS and JavaScript web development tools. Currently there are tens of thousands of community development Aptana plug-in. Quanta Plus Quanta Plus is a Web development IDE, mainly used for rapid preparation of CSS. jEdit jEdit is an enhanced version of the text editor, jEdit runs on Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems, simultaneously enabling HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript and other programming languages. GIMP In the open-source project, GIMP is the most popular. For people who like Photoshop, you can not only extend interfaces, but also to imitate the style of Photoshop. Krita Krita is a very powerful performance picture editor. WinSCP WinSCP is an open source systems for Windows FTP tool. KompoZer KompoZer is a complete Web authoring system, and integrated FTP client. CSSED CSSED is a lightweight Web development editor, it supports many languages, including HTML, XML, Javascript, Java, PHP, JSP

Test Linux System Performance using Command Line Tools Part-2

Vmstat Vmstat command provides a process, memory, page I / O blocks and the monitoring CPU and other information, vmstat can show the average test results or the sample value, sample model can provide a sampling frequency of the monitoring results in different period of time. PS and Pstree  ps and pstree commands are basic commands most commonly used systems analysis, ps command provides a list of running processes, list the number of process parameters depend on additional orders. For example, ps-A command lists all processes and their corresponding process ID (PID).   Using the pstree command displays a tree structure of all the process information and can be integrated child process the information. Pstree command on the source of very useful process. Free Free command displays system memory utilization, including free memory, used memory and swap memory. Free command displays also include a number of kernel cache and buffer information.  When using the free command of

Test Linux System Performance using Command Line Tools Part-1

  Uptime Uptime Command display results include server has been running for how long, how many users log on the server performance and overall assessment load average. Load average values were recorded in the last 1 minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes intervals of the load, load average is not a percentage, but in the queue waiting for the process of implementation of the number. If the process requires that the CPU time is blocked (meaning the CPU did not have time to deal with it), load average value will increase. On the other hand, if each process can get immediate access to CPU time, this value will decrease. UP kernel load average under the optimal value is 1, indicating that each process can be CPU processing immediately, of course, lower is not a problem, only shows part of a waste of resources. However, this value between different systems are different, for example, a single-CPU workstation, load average of 1 or 2 are acceptable, but in a multi-CPU systems this value should

Use Net Send Tool in Linux OS

Windows provide a net send tool to communicate between window's machines.   you can open the messenger service to send a message machine. There is no command provided in linux machine to communicate with the window. Communication with windows, linux only way to use samba. Instant messages can not be used.  But there is a tool, called gladeNetsend, using this tool you can send short message from Linux to windows. Installation process is as follows: 1. Extract tar-xzf gladeNetSend-0.9.tar.gz cd gladeNetSend /src 3. Login to Root user su - root 4. Will gladeNetSend / src / nbtscan copy / bin directory, and give the file execute permissions.  cp nbtscan / bin chmod 755 / bin / nbtscan 5. To change the / etc / lmhosts permissions for all users read-write chmod 666 / etc / lmhosts 6. Edit / etc / samba / smb.conf, increase the message command key and, if this already exists, then changed to look like the following: message command = sh-c 'echo% I: `ca

How to modify the size of Swap Space in Linux Operating System

Login through root user. To start off, see how much swap space you already have. At a command line, type  swapon –s . I was already done this process that’s way you can see that swap mount point shows /extraswap. First time when you do this process your swap mount point shows links this. Filename      Type          Size      Used      Priority /dev/hda2     partition     524280    92472    -1 All the said process was done on Virtual Machine. The numbers under "Size" and "Used" are in kilobytes. Run  df -h  (short for "disk free") from a command line to see from which partition we should use the space for swap space. Under the "Available" column we have approximately 16GB of free space on our root partition. Let's steal 512MB of that for our swap file. You might want more or less, depending on your memory needs, how much swap space you already have available, and how much free disk space you have. The general rule of thumb for swap size is th