
Showing posts from September, 2010

Cloud Computing Technology

Information in accordance with Wikipedia's scripted, "cloud computing" is a new way of Internet-based computing through the Internet, heterogeneous, autonomous services for individuals and businesses that provide on-demand computing to take. As resources on the Internet, and in the flow chart of the computer, the Internet often expressed in a cloud-like pattern, so you can image analogy for the "cloud." Now we use computers, a large number of operations carried out on the machine, such as Word editor, handling photos, play online games, and future operations are handed over the "cloud", you can "cloud" computing power as a large superior computer and the server, they can help you complete any complex calculations, the use of ultra-high bandwidth Internet, we can just sit back and enjoy at home on the line. If you still can not understand the "cloud" concept, there is a more easily understood metaphor. Now the computer application...

Proper Steps to Uninstall Oracle Database in Window XP

1   Go to START è Control Panel è Administrative Tools. Service stop all Oracle related services. 2 START è PROGRAMS è ORACLE è OraDb10g_home1 è Oracle Installation Products è Universal Installer. Uninstall all Oracle products, but Universal Installer itself can not be deleted. 3 START è RUN. Type regedit and then press enter, when window open choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ ORACLE and press the del key to delete the entry; 4 START è RUN. Type regedit and then press enter, when window open choose HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services, scroll through the list, remove all Oracle entrance. 5 START è RUN. Type regedit and then press enter, when window open, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Eventlog \ Application, remove all Oracle entrance. 6 START è Control Panel è System è Advanced è Environment Variables. Delete the environment variable CLASSPATH and PATH settings relating to Oracle. 7...

Oracle CEO is the Richest Man in the World

According to Oracle CEO Lawrence (Larry) Ellison is on 6 th place of World Richest People and he is also on 3 rd place in American richest. Database giant has bought 57 companies in the past five years. Completed $7.4 billion buyout of Sun Microsystems in January and also acquired BEA Systems for $8.5 billion in 2008. Larry Ellison Studied physics at University of Chicago.                                Net Worth: $28.0 bil Fortune: Self Made Source: Oracle Age: 65 Country Of Citizenship: United States Residence: Redwood City, California Education: University of Chicago, Drop Out Marital Status: Married, 2 children     Figures from  Won America's Cup in February

Free Virtual Machines for Linux Operating System

Vmware Player Vmware player is a PC to run multiple operating systems simultaneously on the most simple method, with its friendly user interface, Vmware player so that everyone has the courage to try Windows 7, Chrome OS and the latest Linux, or create isolated virtual machines in new product testing and safety online.   To install VMware player VMware web site you have to register an account and then to find your registration email activation message, click the activation link to activate your profile, so you can download the VMware player, 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows and Linux. VMware player graphical interface designed to be very good, it provides the option is also very easy to understand. Some Features of Vmware Player   Windows and Linux on a consistent management interface VM snapshot is available 32-bit and 64-bit virtual machine A single virtual machine can support up to 8 CPU With 3D graphics acceleration option Closed source In http://www.vmwar...

Useful Remote Connection Tools for Linux System Administrator

PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. The latest version is beta 0.60. Some features of PuTTY are: • The storing of hosts and preferences for later use. • Control over the SSH encryption key and protocol version. • Command-line SCP and SFTP clients, called "pscp" and "psftp" respectively. • Control over port forwarding with SSH (local, remote or dynamic port forwarding), including built-in handling of X11 forwarding. • Emulates most xterm, VT102 control sequences, as well as much of ECMA-48 terminal emulation. • IPv6 support. • Supports 3DES, AES, Arcfour, Blowfish, DES. • Public-key authentication support. • Support for local serial port connections. • Self-contained executable requires no installation. WinSCP is a Windows environment using open source graphical SFTP SSH client. Supports SCP protocol. Its main function is to secure local and remote replication of fil...

Four Most Important Linux GUI's

1) KDE KDE (Kool Desktop Environment) project was established in October 1996, compared to GNOME even earlier. KDE is a graphical layout tool for project developers Lyx, a German named Matthias Ettrich launched, aims to satisfy the average user through ease of use to manage desktop applications on Unix workstations, software and complete variety of tasks. In application development, KDE project has developed a first-class compound document application framework, a framework for achieving the most advanced technology and therefore the direct exposure of its own and such as Microsoft MFC / COM / ActiveX technology, competing popular development framework location. KDE's KParts compound document technology enables developers to quickly create a class of applications in order to achieve the most cutting-edge technology. In the application procedure, KDE also has a can with Microsoft office suite of office applications comparable to KOffice, respectively, from the spreadsheet, slide...

Important Oracle Scripts for Database Administrators (Part-3)

Sum Space By Owner select owner, sum(blocks) Totalblocks, sum(bytes)TotalBytes from DBA_SEGMENTS group by owner; Sum Space by Tablespace select tablespace_name, sum(blocks) Totalblocks, sum(bytes)TotalBytes from DBA_SEGMENTS   group by tablespace_name; Show reads and writes by file name in oracle DB select v$ "File Name", v$filestat.phyrds "Reads", v$filestat.phywrts "Writes" from v$filestat,v$datafile where v$filestat.file# = v$datafile.file# ;   Show Versions Of Software select * from V$VERSION;   Identify segments that are getting close to their max-extent values select owner,tablespace_name,segment_name,bytes,extents,max_extents from dba_segments where extents*2 > max_extents;   Identifies segments that are getting close to running out of contiguous free space select owner, s.tablespace_name, segment_name, s.bytes, next_extent, max(f.bytes) largest from dba_segments s, dba_free_space f where s.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_na...

Important Oracle Scripts for Database Administrators (Part-2)

Show row counts for all tables that have Analyze ON select owner table_name, num_rows from dba_tables where num_rows > 0; Select all users active in the System select sid, serial#,user#, Username, machine, program, server, status, command, type from v$session order by username;   Show what a current user is doing select sid, serial#, status, server from v$session where username = 'SHAHEER'; Create count for all tables select 'Select count(*) from ' ||owner|| '.' ||table_name|| ';' from dba_all_tables order by owner, table_name; Show all indexes select owner, index_name, table_type, tablespace_name from dba_indexes where   owner <>'SYSTEM' and owner <> 'DBSNMP' and owner <> 'ORDSYS' and owner <> 'OUTLN' and owner <> 'SYS' and owner <> 'SYSTEM' order by owner, index_name, tablespace_name; Show all tables select owner, table_name, table_type, tablespace_name fr...